Canopy Roofing Systems is a proud founding member of North East Roofing Insurance Campany. NERI is a captive insurance program for workers’ compensation, auto, and general liability insurance lines and currently represents many of the country’s top roofing and sheet metal contractors.
Prospective contractors are evaluated by three independent sources to meet eligibility requirements in this program. First, perspective members must meet stringent underwriting guidelines established by Arch Insurance Group , a partner in the captive program. Second, the insurance broker evaluates a 5-year loss history to analyze loss frequencies and severities.
Lastly, Hettrick, Cyr & Associates, Inc. (HC&A) conducts an onsite comprehensive safety and risk control audit that focuses on employer attitude and commitment to safety, hiring practices, employee safety training records, written programs, accident investigations, OSHA citations, vehicle use policies, and includes jobsite safety audits. Only after meeting the standards of all 3 sources can a contractor qualify for membership, as Canopy Roofing Systems did.
Once in the captive, required best practice standards focus on hiring practices, claims management systems, establishment of an effective safety committee, safety training, jobsite safety evaluations, fleet safety, and written safety programs. Highlights of the best practice standards include pre-employment drug testing for new hires, return-to-work programs, documented new hire safety orientation, weekly toolbox talks, supervisor’s safety roles and responsibilities training, annual reviews of driver motor vehicle records, defensive driver training, safety counseling and disciplinary actions programs. General liability best practice standards require each member to document pre-existing conditions on all re-roofing projects, develop written emergency response plans for water infiltration, and provide OSHA 10-hour training so that supervisory personnel can identify hazardous conditions created by other trade contractors. NERI has retained the risk control services of HC&A, a construction safety consulting firm. In addition to performing semi-annual best practice standard and jobsite safety audits, HC&A develops and distributes monthly captive newsletters, industry-specific toolbox talks, claim alerts, and monthly benchmarking analysis.
In conclusion, NERI is committed to have the highest standards of professionalism in the industry, with the solid believe that professionalism starts with safety. Canopy Roofing Systems has committed itself to that standard on a daily basis.